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Pre-testing of pictorial health warning

The Global Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2016-17 for India showed encouraging results. Not only did fewer youngsters seem to find smoking cool, but the prevalence of tobacco use among them had reduced from 18.4% in 2009-10 to 12.4% in 2016-17. Several important initiatives contributed to the reduction in tobacco consumption. An important one is the 85% graphic health warning on tobacco products.  Some of other reasons include smoke-free rules, gutka ban, higher taxes.

In 2014, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India (GoI) increased the size of pictorial health warnings on tobacco products to 85%. The decision was based on a WHO India research study conducted by CCC-I. The study involved pre-testing of six prototypes of pictorial health warnings to assess their effectiveness.

Similarly in early 2020, the GoI planned to replace the current health warnings with a new set of warnings. WHO India office again commissioned CCC-I to qualitatively assess the effectiveness of pictorial health warnings, text messages and background colour of cigarette, bidi and smokeless tobacco packs on different target groups (users and non-users) based on a set of identified attributes and parameters. The findings of the study were well accepted by WHO India and MoHFW.

In 2024, CCC-I successfully conducted the fifth round of this pre-test, continuing to provide valuable data that shapes the future of tobacco control measures.

The government notification regarding the new set of health warnings based on CCC-I’s findings can be accessed here.

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WHO India


Pre-testing of pictorial health warning

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