Research & Evaluation

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Tamil Nadu Health System Reform Program (TNHSRP) Doc...

The Tamil Nadu Health System Reform Program (TNHSRP) is a significant initiative supported by the World Ban...

Qualitative study to understand knowledge, attitude ...

The summer of 2019 was unusual for Muzaffarpur district of Bihar. The number of young children dying becau...

Pre-testing of pictorial health warning

The Global Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2016-17 for India showed encouraging results. Not only did fewer youngst...

A study to understand the marketing strategy of smok...

The main purpose of the study was to assess the extent to which pan masala brands and their brand extension...

Midline assessment to understand the current percept...

Bihar is one of the most disaster prone states in India. While some parts of the state fall under seismic ...

Rapid qualitative programmatic evaluation of Measles...

Measles elimination and accelerated rubella control is a flagship priority of the WHO South-East Asia Reg...