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SBC approach to promote knowledge and care seeking behaviour for breast and cervical cancer

According to National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), breast and cervical cancers are the two most common cancers among women in India, contributing to 27% and 23% of total cancers among women respectively. WHO Summary report on Human Papillomavirus Virus and cervical cancer statistics in India 2008 highlights that a woman dies of cervical cancer every eight minutes in India. Similarly, for every two women newly diagnosed with breast cancer, one woman dies of it. This suggests late detection due to various reasons.

Both breast and cervical cancers can be detected at an early stage through regular screening - self breast examination and mammogram for breast cancer and pap smear in case of cervical cancer. However, lack of awareness among women regarding screening services and fear/shyness/ stigma in seeking medical 

The overall objective of the project was to develop appropriate, evidence-informed communication tools that will improve knowledge and increase motivation amongst adult employed lower middle-class women about breast and cervical cancers and early screening that can help detect and treat the disease. CCP conducted secondary research in the form of review of articles and content analysis of videos on cervical and breast cancer. This was followed by mapping of authorized screening facilities and obstetric-gynaecological services available in the Delhi-NCR region. As part of formative research, 405 adult women working in five types of workplaces - malls, NGO schools, corporates, garment industry and as artisans were interviewed. On the basis of insights from formative research, CCP developed a communication strategy and SBC materials (mobile app, posters and flyers) to encourage women to get themselves screened for breast and cervical cancer at an authorized screening center.

Funded by

American Cancer Society, Indian Cancer Society


SBC approach to promote knowledge and care seeking behaviour for breast and cervical cancer

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